Sunday, January 11, 2009

Marshmallow Snowmen

Another tradition passed down from my Mom- Marshmallow Snowmen!! She would make them for us and practically all of the kiddos in the neighborhood. When I was teaching, I made them for my students as well. This year, my husband and I helped our girls make their very first snowman out of marshmallows and they loved it! This activity is fun to do with the kids around Christmas, but also a fun January activity. That's the great thing about snowmen- you can keep them out until March!!

Materials needed:
Bag of large marshmallows, gumdrops, candy canes, toothpicks, 3 Musketeers bars or Milky Way Bars, Aluminum Foil, blue food coloring

1. Wrap a candy bar with aluminum foil. Tape candy canes on each side of the wrapped candy bar to make your snowman's sled.

2. Connect 3 large marshmallows with toothpicks. You may want to double up on the toothpicks so that they hold. Using toothpicks, put the snowman on the sled.

3. Next, make arms,legs, and a hat out of the gumdrops by connecting them on toothpicks. (3 for each leg, 2 for each arm, 1 for a hat) Attach into the marshmallows.
(This part is a little tricky- we kept poking ourselves with the toothpicks! Ouch!)

4. Finish your snowman by making a face. Dip tip of a toothpick into food coloring.

5. Wrap with plastic wrap and ribbon to decorate.

6. Don't wait too long to eat your creation or give it as gift for a fun winter surprise!!

After a day of sledding and hot cocoa, try the above family activity!
Take Care and Happy Winter!



  1. What a cute...and YUMMY idea! Glad you are back and posting again! We missed you out here in the bloggy world!

  2. This is a great activity. I will definitely be keeping this one. I havent' seen any critters yet, but the tree is out front and I have a curtain on the front window. I'm trying to sneak up without scaring them away. I'm hoping to get a picture when I can.

  3. What a great activity! I can't wait until Graham gets a little older so that we can do things like this!


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