Saturday, October 18, 2008

Yeah- What a way to start the day!!

I am honored to receive this "fabulous" (as my girls would say) award today!!

Presented to Creative and Curious Kids! by Pink and Green Mama

Now, here are the six things that make me happy!
1. Being social- family fun and time with friends!
2. Husband's smile.
3. Being creative!
4. God's creation- nature and my beautiful children.
5. Chocolate and more chocolate!!
6. Coffee!!

Now, I present the award to the following awesome blogs:
1. Mom's Marbles
2. Dawn's Cakes
3. Small World at Home
4. Keeper of the Cheerios

Congrats!! Share your happiness and feel free to be generous and pass this award to your favorite creative blogs!



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thanks, I feel so honored :) I will post on my blog later tonight.

  3. Aww, thanks! What a very pretty award box, too! I am so honored and glad to have met you!

  4. Congrats on your fabulous award! Yipee! Wanted to let you know that I've "tagged" you over on my blog. It's kinda a fun way to get to know each other & other bloggers too by listing a few "fun & weird" things about yourself. Happy Sunday!

  5. So glad you love your award. I've given you a shout out and alink to your site in my post this morning for your cute lolli-pop ghosts!


Thanks for commenting. Enjoy your day!