Saturday, August 30, 2008

Pop-Up Books: Coming Soon!!

Yeah, I will be getting a surprise in the mail!! Here is the email that I recieved today:

Hi and Congratulations!

You were one of the first 100 people to share a creative idea for unplugging your kids and for that, you will be receiving a wonderful gift from Creativity for Kids.

The Creativity for Kids Create Your Own Pop-Up Books will be sent to you directly from the sponsor...

I can't wait to create Pop-Up books with the kids. This sounds like a fun way to nuture creative thinking! Recently, I found this contest online. I had to write creative ideas that you use with your kids to get them "unplugged". This wasn't difficult for me being I started writing a blog on the subject, but I must admit that there are days where my children are plugged in too much! They love the computer and my peanut adores her Princess movies. Recently, I read a post on the Parenting Pink website that made me laugh. Parenting Pink Mom of 3 girls confessed to using Elmo to get her cup of coffee in the morning! She was actually quoted saying this in a magazine. I am guilty,too!! Elmo has come in handy in my past when I've tried to get my morning cup of Jo. You'll have to check it out!! Her writing is quite humorous! Maybe our confessions will help other Moms relax! Finding balance is the key! We should never have too much of anything- (except for chocolate, maybe).

After I start writing pop-up books with the girls, I'll be sure to post how it goes and maybe even share a couple of pics!!


  1. Wow! I feel even more honored that you quoted me instead of BabyTalk :-) Thanks for the post! It's so nice to know that other moms rely on the wisdom of "Elmo" as well! Hope you enjoy the long weekend!

  2. Have you discovered the music of Raffi, yet? I had an old VHS tape of him playing guitar and singing children's songs. It was amazing how he would calm my babies when I, their own mommy, couldn't!! His video got me through teething. I even thought about writing him a thank-you letter!!

  3. What a fab idea! I'm always on the hunt for great children's books and have recently discovered Bayard and their series of StoryBoxBooks, AdventureBoxBooks and DiscoveryBoxBooks (which has a special focus on teeth!) They have work by acclaimed children's books illustrator Helen Oxenbury appearing in the Storybox series for September. In addition to this, they also have some great activities for rainy days:,, Enjoy!

  4. Thank you so much for the great suggestions!! Jen


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